What is Telehealth?

Telehealth is the use of telecommunications services, such as video conferencing, to provide a range of services clients. At Lizard, your ABA Therapist or Speech Therapist uses video conferencing to administer client sessions in real-time or review of recorded sessions, but may utilise other formats, such as email, for related communication.

Telehealth ABA Therapy Services

Lizard are the leaders in telehealth ABA Therapy, offering real-time and immediate access to their services such as online Speech Therapy, in order to help children get the most out of their lives.

Consultation and Assessment

Initially our Therapists will conduct a comprehensive consultation to:

  • Assess the current and future objectives for your child.
  • Identify which Lizard services are best suited for optimal outcomes.
  • Collect information on home structure, learning opportunities, rates of communication, behavioural challenges, level of training of parents or therapists.
  • Discuss the technology resources required such as audio, video, and room set-up.

Program Development

Using the information from your child’s consultation, your Lizard therapy team will build a program that is uniquely suited for your child.

Parent and Therapist Training

Lizard’s telehealth ABA therapy allows continued therapy within the home. As part of the Lizard Telehealth service, your therapy team will also begin providing you with comprehensive Therapist training. They can also provide Parent Behavioural Consultation which is which is specialised training which will guide parents in applying techniques and tools to help manage their child’s challenging behaviours in the home.

Analysis of Behaviour

Lizard is dedicated to helping children continue to grow, therefore your team will be updating you on your child’s progress through Lizard telehealth. Our team will make adaptive changes to your child’s program based on the results.

Online Speech Therapy for Autism

Speech pathology addresses the challenges around language and communication. Speech Therapy can help children living with autism spectrum disorders and related challenges improve their verbal, non-verbal and social communication skills. Lizard is dedicated to helping your child through providing online Speech Therapy, which supports the development of the skills needed to communicate in a functional way.

Why Telehealth ABA Therapy Works for You

During times of disruption, children living with autism spectrum disorders or developmental delays may develop challenging behaviours. These can be characterised by negative outcomes including high parent stress levels and/or depression, increased caregiver burden and more stressful sibling relationships.

Lizard recommends three actions to improve services for children with challenging behaviours, including:

  • Develop and implement home-based ABA
  • Expand analysis and intervention to focus on family routines
  • Build collaborative partnerships between parents and therapists – parent education and coaching are key to developing behaviour support strategies.

Implementing these support strategies has been beneficial for families by decreasing a child’s challenging behaviours and a general lowering of stress within the family.

The Benefits of Telehealth ABA Therapy

Enables the continuity of ABA therapy and online speech therapy for autism services and maintenance of key skills for your child and family.

Access resources from home, thus reducing the need for travel.

Provides time flexibility and is conducted during regular business hours.

Provides remote learning and training for parents and families.

Offers remote access to our expert team for real-time feedback to sessions.

Improves feedback accuracy by recording sessions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Lizard Telehealth something I need to download?

No. Lizard Telehealth is not an application but rather an alternate way of delivering our pre-existing service. However, this service incorporates the use of telecommunication services such as Skype, Microsoft Teams or Google Hangouts for telehealth ABA therapy and online speech therapy for autism. You will need to have access to one of these, which could involve downloading and installing if you do not it already.

Will my child be receiving the same kind of therapy program?

Yes. We have adapted the in-centre programming to allow for continuous treatment. Telehealth ABA therapy will allow your therapist to continue providing:

  • Ongoing Regular Supervision
  • Programming
  • Verbal Feedback
  • Analyses of Behaviours
  • Intervention Strategies
  • Online Speech Therapy

The only thing Telehealth ABA therapy cannot provide is ‘Physical Modelling’ due to its virtual nature. However, we will provide parent/therapist training to compensate for this.

Is it possible to conduct Assessments via Telehealth ABA Therapy?

Yes. Most particularly for interview-based assessments. Our team can go through the series of questions over Telehealth to complete, score and conduct assessments for your child. If the assessment is performance-based, we can complete parts of the assessment. We can watch recorded footage to observe whether the target skills were performed and record this data. We can assess further if there is a therapist present that can administer some of the performance-based tasks.

What will happen to RBT/LBT services?

Telehealth service will be offered as a solution to in-centre training. In-home training can continue as normal unless specified by the parents they wish to switch RBT/LBT to Telehealth as well. RBT services have been trialled and can now successfully operate as a remote service. As for LBT’s, if parents/therapists have had the correct training and can meet the requirements, they can continue treatment at home. As part of Telehealth services, we will be offering parent/therapist training so that this is a viable option for families who wish to switch from only in-home sessions to Telehealth services.

How will Telehealth ABA Therapy be used for Speech Pathology Services?

As part of ‘Parent/Therapist Training’, through online speech therapy for autism, your Lizard Speech Pathologist will teach you to deliver the service directly to your child. As such the parent/caregiver will need to be present for the whole Telehealth session for online speech therapy. Your pathologist may ask you to practice a strategy with your child and provide you with feedback. You will also be given activities and tasks to practice in the home until your next online speech therapy for autism session.

If I use Lizard Telehealth services, does this impact how I can claim?

No. Telehealth services are a viable service that is supported by the NDIS.

Will I be reimbursed for costs of technological upgrades and purchases needed to deliver Lizard Telehealth?

Any reimbursements for technologies will need to be discussed with NDIS, as this depends on your NDIS package.

Contact us for more information

Find out how behaviours of concern can be addressed to give your child a better chance to learn. Get our Parent Info Pack and a free phone consultation to find out the range of options available for your child’s unique situation.

Call us on 1300 752 617

Monday to Friday, 8.30am – 5pm (AEST)

positive behavior support plan

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